The adoption program is one of the supporting programs for animal care at WRC Jogja. This February, eight adopters have helped to support the eight animals that we care for here.
In early February, a Crested Goshawk Eagle (Accipiter trivirgatus) with a broken leg was brought to our center. Someone found him lying on the road with maggots around the wound. Maybe it fell out of the nest. The veterinarians and our team asked Gembiraloka Zoo for help to do X-rays and asked drh. Slamet for help to operate on the broken leg. Since this eagle is still young, it is hoped that his bones will return to normal and that he can perch comfortably after his leg surgery.

In addition, in two days, together with Konklusi, Gembiraloka Zoo Jogja, and IHF, WRC Jogja held a seminar about Turtle Conservation with Nathan Rusli, drh. Irhamna Putri, and drh. Slamet Raharjo as the speakers. After the seminar, which was located at WRC Jogja, Kulon Progo, we also practiced morphometry and handling Malayan Giant Turtle (Orlitia borneensis) at GL Zoo for two days. This collaborative project is carried out with the hope of preserving the Malayan giant turtle, whose conservation status is already threatened with extinction, and the inbreeding process will be carried out at WRC Jogja. This conservation project is funded by IUCN ASAP and supported by Yogyakarta Conservation Center and Natural Resources (BKSDA Yogyakarta).
With a large number of people who have been vaccinated and schools that have started face-to-face learning, we have started a conservation education program for elementary school children. Although we still limit the number of participants to reduce the crowd, on two different days, approximately 100 students from two schools learned about wildlife.

In addition, cases regarding long-tailed monkeys were still the most surrendered at the end of 2021. This year we received one long-tailed monkey back from captivity. This monkey was handed over because it bit the owner’s neighbor and was quite dangerous. Even though monkeys are not protected animals in Indonesia, they are also wild animals and should not be kept as pets. Indonesians awareness of wildlife conservation is still very low. It is hoped that content about the dangers of keeping wild animals can educate people to be more aware when choosing pets.