It’s been awhile….
May and June are still like the previous months. We are all still shrouded in fear of the virus that is still engulfing us. But animals still have to eat and live healthy lives. To continue the program of supporting operations with strict health protocols, we still accept internship programs as well as volunteers. In May, we received four owlets, which were delivered by the fire department to our center. But only three survived. Currently, they are still being cared for, and we will monitor and release them when their hunting instincts are ready to find their own food.

In early June, we received four students from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Faculty of Biology. Then, in mid-June, we received one volunteer from Indonesia. She helped the animal keeper take care of the animals for two weeks.
In addition to this activity, we received some animals that were handed over by local residents. Starting with the long-tailed macaque that comes from ownership and also the goshawk eagle that has been cared for since infancy and taken from the nest. The owner gave the bird, because his son had been a participant in conservation education held by WRC Jogja and collaborated with students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya. Through these webinars, awareness about wildlife conservation has had a positive effect on the community.
Two of our staff also had the opportunity for a comparative study at the Cikananga Wildlife Center in Sukabumi and spent three days there.
Some of the activities we did here during the Community Activities Restrictions Enforcement (PPKM) period were moving three binturongs to the new cages in the bottom area. After conducting a health check on the three binturongs, they were able to feel their new cage.
Then, still in the series of medical examinations for Orangutans Beni and Boni, which are prepared to translocate to East Kalimantan, Boni needed to go to a dentist because of an abscess in his teeth. Three of his molars were extracted. With the help of Gio Pet Shop and Veterinarians from Gembiraloka Zoo, Boni’s dental surgery was successfully carried out.
Several adoption programs are also still running. In May, we received adoptions for five animals, and in June, seven animals were adopted. Orangutans are still favorites. Because our last orangutan will be moved soon, we will not continue the animal adoption program for orangutans. However, we still open up opportunities for animal adoptions such as sun bears, Malayan giant turtles, gibbons, siamangs, and some aves.

Our achievements this June : Do you remember the baby python we got still in egg form earlier this year? Now they are big and ready to be released. Together with BKSDA Yogyakarta, we can release seven baby pythons to Sermo Wildlife Reserve.
Thankfully, donations are still flowing. From Filantra-Kitabisa, we got donations in the form of fresh money that we can buy for food and medical needs, and also donations from COP in the form of fruit and salaries for OU animal keepers, as well as direct donations from several donors. We have also restarted accepting donations through the kitabisa.com platform.
Finally, we get a chance to vaccinate all employees who work here. Some employees received vaccinations from the hospital, and some received vaccinations held by GL Zoo.